21 Jan 2025 ///

An Astrological Glimpse at 2025: The Rhythm of Unravelling

Picture this: the year has just begun and things are feeling eerily slow. Mars, who usually sets us alight with a kick to the bootie, is off snoozing in a hammock somewhere, leaving us stewing over how to decide on our goals for the year. And that “New Year, New Me” vibe that’s tattooed across everyone’s faces come Jan 1st, is but a distant dream of former years.

Trust us when we say to embrace this slower pace for a bit because 2025 is going to bring the biggest cosmic shake-up of the decade. We’re not just talking about the usual Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde drama. Life is about to feel a bit like a really intense game of Tetris. Planets dropping into new signs left, right and centre, whilst we try and figure out how the heck it’s all supposed to fit together. It will, it’s just going to take some time to get the full picture and you might be pleasantly surprised by how it all turns out.

Photography by Cristian Rojas via Pexels
Photography by Ksenia via Pexels
Until then, buckle up and sit tight. We’re in the business of transformation this year, both personally and collectively, and with it being the Year of the Snake too, there’s no time for messing around. Loose ends need to be tied up with a big ol’ shiny bow, and shedding old skin might as well become our fave pastime over the next 12 months.

You see, a ‘9’ year doesn’t sit idle. It’s the final chapter, the end of an era, the last year before we start again, afresh. This year the planets are encouraging us to wrap up unfinished business, to let go of our old ghosts, to unravel our lives so we can move forward and all make some positive change, together.

Hopefully, you did your boundaries homework last year and brushed off your people-pleasing doormat, as that’s pretty much a precursor to some of the big lessons that are about to get thrown our way this year. First up is the North & South Nodes changing signs on Jan 11th. It’s time for Pisces and Virgo to shine. So, for the next 18 months these two points in the sky that shift our fate, are asking us to ditch our tendencies that veer towards perfectionism and instead learn to flow and lean into our intuition and spiritual side more, and all of the magic that comes from not trying to control life. 

And in the game of Tetris, or should we say, life, you can’t control things anyway, right? So let’s take a deeper look at what’s being sent our way.

Just as Mars goes direct on Feb 24th and we start to feel that fog of frustration and stagnation slip away, on March 1st Venus Retrograde begins. This is where our relationships go through the ringer and things start to unravel a bit. Venus will begin her Retrograde dance in Aries where we’ll be getting some flashbacks to all our boundaries work of the last couple years. Shout those needs loud and clear! And then when Venus moves back into Pisces, things will soften and we’ll get a glimpse of what real connection means to us and how we can create more of that in 2025.

Hold on for dear life to those dreamy Piscean vibes, because on March 30th, after 14 years of Neptune mermaiding through Pisces- where this planet truly feels at home- it’s moving into Aries. This may be just what we need though to kickstart those dreams into action, to not just imagine a better world for us all, but to actually have the guts to make it happen too. We can’t just sit back and daydream anymore, we need to get out there and fight for what we believe in.

Saturn also wants in on this, which is why on May 24th, the planet of rules and structure is moving into Aries too, to check that Neptune is doing what it said it would (lest we be deceived once more by that dreamy seductress of a planet). And let’s just say Saturn and Aries make an interesting team. Saturn with all its rules, and Aries throwing those rules to the wind and leaping the other way. This transit will have us all looking at how we take responsibility for our actions and how we create real meaning and purpose in our lives. 

Photographed by Miriam Espacio via Pexels 
Photographed by Alex Andrews via Pexels
And while on the subject of creating more meaning, when Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 9th, things start to really sweeten. After a year of Jupiter in Gemini with everything moving really fast, this transit is like a homecoming, literally. And just in time for Winter too. So cosy up, light some candles and invite your friends and fam round for some DMCs. In a year where there are so many changes around every corner, a solid, grounded homebase that feeds your soul will be key.

Carry that groundedness with you because on July 7th, Uranus- planet of change & innovation- is moving into Gemini and this is where we truly start to feel that shake-up that 2025 promised. Uranus loves to rebel and turn things on its head, and Gemini is totally up to the task. Just off the back of Pluto moving into Aquarius, these two transformative planets making shapes in Air signs is definitely one for the books. We’ve already seen leaps and bounds with AI, so what’s next? Maybe we’ll be posting updates from our holiday in Space, onto whatever the next Tik Tok will be…If anything, Uranus’ transit in Gemini over the next 7 years will be anything but dull. Expect the unexpected and keep thinking out of the box. The more eccentric, the better, when it comes to the planet of surprise.

And surprise is no stranger to this year. Especially in the Eclipse seasons. In March we’ve got the Virgo Lunar Eclipse on March 14th, which will hopefully help melt away any old insecurities still lurking, and be a nudge towards chasing and trusting our intuition. And then two weeks later, on March 29th we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries, with doors opening on all sides to a life of more courage.

Fast forward a few months to the next Eclipse party in September, and it’s an emotional one. On Sept 7th we have the Pisces Lunar Eclipse, and then on Sept 21st the Virgo Solar Eclipse. These two Eclipses pack a punch, and really ask us to show up for ourselves and the people we love. 

And that’s really what 2025 is about. Showing up and doing the work. Not just standing on the beach watching the sunset and daydreaming of what could be, but actually getting out there and riding those waves of transformation. Yes, it’s going to be wet and cold at times and definitely a bit uncomfortable, but no-one said change is easy. In fact, if we take anything out of the planetary movements this year, it should be trusting in the flow of it all. Even when the planets get a little sneaky, and the second half of the year sees us right back where we started- with Neptune and Saturn back in Pisces, and Uranus back in Taurus for their annual Retrograde dance- don’t let it throw you. It’s just for a little while, just so we can have some bonus time to unravel those last loose ends, and hey, maybe by the end of the year we’ll be in the rhythm of it all- trusting and flowing and getting ready for the new adventures and surprises coming our way in 2026.


Written by: Siobhan Lumsden
For more news, visit the Connect Everything Collective homepage www.ceconline.co.za

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