South African producer-DJ DESIREE has released her new EP, "Intersexy," marking a bold step forward in her artistic...
The latest news from the music industry. Everything you need to know and hear; from new releases to interviews with prolific artists from all genres, spanning from South Africa across the globe. Our music section invites our readers into a space of education and is a celebration of sound and the spaces in which it is enjoyed.
Zee Nxumalo releases her Amapiano EP ‘Inja Ye Game’
In a year defined by highs, heartbreaks, and self-discovery, Zee Nxumalo has emerged as one of South Africa’s most...
Beatkozina presents their EP, ‘Merhba’
Beatkozina, a London / Marrakech multi-instrumentalist duo, present the 'Merhba' EP on Compost Records, with an...
Bongeziwe Mabandla Announces a South African Tour for his Acclaimed Album ‘amaXesha’
South Africa’s soulful luminary Bongeziwe Mabandla is set to return to his homeland’s stages, bringing with him the...
Alexander Flood releases dance track titled ‘Life Is A Rhythm’
For the first single taken from forthcoming album 'Artifactual Rhythm' by Alexander Flood (out April 2025 on Atjazz...
Jullian Gomes, Kuniyuki Takahashi and Sio have released new remixes of ‘Let Me Go’
'Let Me Go' by Jullian Gomes, Kuniyuki Takahashi, and Sio is elevated with fresh interpretations from Deep House...
Yoav and Jabulile Majola release their album, ‘Unyazi’
Yoav and Jabulile Majola, two distinct voices in the music scene, release the first three singles from their deeply...
Mackwood releases his full album ‘Master Changes’
Presenting the debut album from London-based drummer, producer, songwriter and bandleader Mackwood. 'Master Changes'...
Inkswel and Andre Espeut release ‘Downtown Love’, the second single from their upcoming album
Featuring a guest appearance from LA rapper Abstract Rude, 'Downtown Love' is the second single announcing upcoming...
Colouring The Lines Of Sound: A Look Into The Sonic Universe Of Blue Lab Beats
I've always wondered what the heart and soul of music are. Is it the beat or the lyrics? In a brief conversation...
Jono McCleery releases his second single from his forthcoming album ‘Reconcile’
Following on from ‘To See You Again’, his debut single release on Berlin imprint Sonar Kollektiv, English...
Raz & Afla release their Album ‘Echoes of Resistance’
Coming together as Raz & Afla, Raz Olsher and Afla Sackey converge worlds through their dynamic fusion of...