The third installment from Dina Ögon, titled 'Orion,' marks a captivating progression for the band that emerged...
New Release
Alita Limona releases her debut Lofi Hip-Hop EP
Alita Limona makes her return to Stereofox with the comforting new EP Grandpa’s Closet – a project that takes...
Thievery Corporation’s Eric Hilton unveils instrumental gem ‘Midnight Milan’
Co-founder of the influential group Thievery Corporation, Eric Hilton unveils instrumental gem 'Midnight Milan', the...
DJ Lag & Mr Nation Thingz release viral TikTok song ‘Hade Boss’
Mr Nation Thingz originally teased ‘Hade Boss’ on TikTok in December – a collaboration he’d been working on with 2023...
SA Producer MrMilkDee releases new single titled ‘2 Positions’ ft. Jill Rock Jones, Remixed by Sean McCabe
Foliage Records presents its first release for 2024 with a welcome return for US singer songwriter Jill Rock Jones,...
Bongeziwe Mabandla & Ntokzin release soulful Amapiano remix of hit single ‘Sisahleleleni’
South African multi-award winning singer and songwriter Bongeziwe Mabandla has released a soulful Amapiano remix of...
Peacey releases latest single ‘Culture Bandit’ feat. Vanessa Hidary
This brilliant second single, titled ‘Culture Bandit’, is taken from Peacey’s forthcoming album ‘Play It By Ear’....
Gorilla Aktiv release a vinyl version of their synth-wave album ‘Umsonst Ohne Risiko’
Gorilla is a mixture of synth-wave, punk, NDW, new wave from 1981/82, digitally available for the first time, and...
Digital Sangoma releases new track titled ‘Past Life’
Digital Sangoma releases an emotionally charged new track titled ‘Past Life’ paying tribute to leaving the past behind...
David Marston & Liam Mockridge release their collaborative track titled ‘The Spark’
Dive into the effervescent soundscape of ‘The Spark,’ the latest electrifying collaboration between Jamaican producer,...
Ananya releases first visuals off debut EP in ‘i’m too nice’ music video
Rising Pop star, singer/songwriter, fashion creative, and mental-health activist, Ananya, releases the first official...
DJ Lag pushes sonic boundaries once more with Blxckie collab titled ‘Kwenzakalan’
DJ Lag’s reputation as a sonic innovator is revealing itself yet again through a new collaboration with South African...