Following the announcement of Cotton Fest Durban recently, the highly anticipated music and lifestyle festival today...
The latest news from the music industry. Everything you need to know and hear; from new releases to interviews with prolific artists from all genres, spanning from South Africa across the globe. Our music section invites our readers into a space of education and is a celebration of sound and the spaces in which it is enjoyed.
Mothers Favorite Child & Saeeda Wright release ‘Purple Funk (Opolopo Remixes)’ as a tribute to Prince
Mothers Favorite Child & Saeeda Wright present a brand new Opolopo remix of - 'Purple Funk' to honour Prince for...
Nao Yoshioka collaborates with Grammy-nominated Blue Lab Beats for single ‘Stuck Wit U’
Nao Yoshioka, who in 2022 celebrated her 10th anniversary since her debut, has continued to expand her global...
The Kaleidoscopic World of DJ Doowap
Do you remember being a kid and peering through those kaleidoscope toys for the first time? Those fractal patterns...
Midnight Club Presents Queens Of The Stone Age Listening Session In Woodstock, Cape Town
The Queens of the Stone Age have always been the voice of the misfits, the rebels, and the outcasts. Their music...
Brandon Markell Holmes & Toribio release collaboration ‘Go Ahead’
Released on artist-owned Brooklyn imprint Toucan Sounds, rising vocal talent Brandon Markell Holmes joins forces with...
Underset returns to Nick Warren’s imprint ‘The Soundgarden’ with EP titled ‘Woogie Hunter’
With previous releases on Hope Recordings and Nite Grooves sister label Street King, Underset returns to Nick Warren's...
Dope Saint Jude marks Pride Month with new single ‘Alphas’
South African artist, Dope Saint Jude, marks Pride Month with new single “Alphas” out now via Platoon. The track...
Multi-instrumentalist FKJ to play in Cape Town and Joburg
Multi-instrumentalist, producer and artist FKJ (AKA French Kiwi Juice) will be performing this month in Johannesburg...
Bongo Band re-release their foundational album in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop
2023 marks 50 years since the birth of hip hop, and 50 years since the release of Bongo Band’s foundational album. The...
Liam Mockridge releases latest single ‘Touch’ ft. Herizen & Life on Planets
Liam Mockridge fuses elements of R&B and House with the organic recording of his live band on the new single...
Bokani Dyer releases his nation building album ‘Radio Sechaba’
Already a multi award-winning and established artist, with a growing global reputation, Bokani Dyer’s newest record...